INSTITUTE OF EAST ASIAN STUDIES “TDK” (Scientific Students’ Association)
(the predecessor of the present formation was the TDK of oriental studies)
Explanation of terms
The abbreviation “TDK” stands for “Tudományos Diákkör” in Hungarian, literally meaning “scientific students’ association”. The term covers a wide range of scientific activities carried out by students, either individually or in groups, but the general final aim of such scholarly work is to participate in the “OTDK” (Országos Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia, literally “national scientific students’ associations’ conference) organized every second year. The conference has different sections which thus cover all scientific fields practiced in Hungary, each section organized by a different university in each period. The field of Oriental Studies has had an individual division within the section of Humanities since the early 2000’s. Besides being – primarily – a conference, OTDK is also a scientific competition with 1st, 2nd and 3rd places awarded to students in each division.
Institute of East Asian Studies TDK
Among the students specializing in East Asian languages and cultures there are traditionally many doing research on a specific topic at a high scholarly level. The TDK of the Institute of East Asian Studies was established to cater to the needs of such motivated students. The TDK is led by Ágnes Birtalan (who herself once won first place at the TDK conference of Kossuth Lajos University, Debrecen), supported in this work by Zsolt Szilágyi, guest lecturer at the Department of Mongolian and Inner Asian Studies and Ferenc Takó, assistant lecturer at the Department of Japanese Studies, as well as by members of the Student Council of the Institute responsible for scientific activities.
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Previous results at OTDK:
XXIV. OTDK 1999., Pécsi Tudományegyetem
1st place: Beatrix MECSI Consultant: Masanori YAMAJI
XXV OTDK 2001. Szeged (SZTE Juhász Gyula Tanárképző Főiskolai Kar)
2nd place: Krisztina TELEKI Consultant: Ágnes BIRTALAN
3rd place: Zsuzsanna MAJER Consultant: Ágnes BIRTALAN
XXVI OTDK 2003. Veszprém (Veszprémi Egyetem Tanárképző Kar)
1st place: Márta MATKÓ Consultant: Tamás AGÓCS
2nd place: Erika NÁNAI Consultant: Imre HAMAR
3rd place: Alexa PÉTER Consultant: József TERJÉK
XXVII OTDK 2005. Budapest (ELTE Bölcsészettudományi Kar)
1st place: Judit BÉRES Consultant: Erzsébet TÓTH
2nd place: Zoltán BERECZKI Consultant: Ágnes BIRTALAN
3rd place: Lívia SZENTMÁRTONI Consultant: József TERJÉK
XXVIII OTDK 2007. Székesfehérvár (Kodolányi János Főiskola)
2nd place: Gábor PAP Consultant: János JELEN
3rd place: Máté ROTTÁR Consultant: Ágnes BIRTALAN
XXIX OTDK 2009. Szeged (SZTE Bölcsészettudományi Kar)
2nd place: Norbert NÉMETH Consultant: Ágnes BIRTALAN
XXX OTDK 2011. Eger (Eszterházy Károly Főiskola Bölcsészettudományi Kar)
2nd place: Mónika KISS Consultant: Masanori YAMAJI
3rd place: Andrea CSENDOM Consultant: Beatrix MECSI
XXXI OTDK 2013. Debrecen (Debreceni Egyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar)
2nd place: Angelika SÁNDOR Consultant: Zsófia ZVOLENSZKY
3rd place: Nóra BERECZKI Consultant: Beatrix MECSI
XXXII OTDK 2015. Budapest (Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Bölcsészet- és Társadalomtudományi Kar)
2nd place: Ramóna KOVÁCS Consultant: Mózes CSOMA
XXXIII OTDK 2017. Pécs (Pécsi Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar)
1st place: Flóra SZABÓ Consultant: Ágnes BIRTALAN