ABOUT THE INSTITUTEThe Institute of East Asian Studies is the only institute in Hungary specializing in education and scientific research related to the languages and cultures of the East Asia. The Institute’s predecessor, the East-Asia Institute, was established in 1924 under the leadership of Professor Vilmos Pröhle. As interest in the languages and cultures of the Far East grew steadily, departments specializing in the study of this region seceded from the Institute of Oriental Studies in 2008, when the Institute of East Asian Studies was established. The central aim of the Institute’s BA programs is that students should master one of the East Asian languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian or Tibetan) and become familiar with the region’s culture. The knowledge acquired at this level helps students to find positions at institutions or companies where such abilities are required. Those interested in scientific research are encouraged to deepen their knowledge through the MA and PhD programs offered by the Institute, where they can conduct in-depth research into Far Eastern languages and cultures with the help of internationally recognized specialists. |
PROGRAMSKhyentse Lecture Series2022. November 14,
Dr. Jakub Zamorski (Jagiellonian University):Reason and Belief in Chinese Pure Land Buddhism: A View from the Ming Khyentse Lecture Series2022. November 15,
Prof. Dr. Michael Zimmermann (Hamburg University):Meditative insights without ethical conduct?
NEWSDr. Birtalan Ágnes Pro Ingenio Nívódíjat kapott2017. szeptember 8. Az ELTE Szenátusának az egyetem 383. tanévét megnyitó ünnepi közgyűlésén (2017. szeptember 8-án) Dr. Birtalan Ágnes tanárnő, a Mongol- és Belső-ázsiai Tanszék vezetője, a tehetséggondozás területén végzett különösen kiemelkedő tevékenységért Pro Ingenio Nívódíjat kapott, amelyhez szívből gratulálunk !!! Az eseményről szóló részletes beszámoló az ELTE honlapján olvasható. Kínai szak - Záróvizsga tételek |